HALL GREEN: 0121 778 1318
SHIRLEY / SOLIHULL: 0121 744 4848
TEXTLINE: 07519 711864


Make an offer on 142 Purnells Way, Knowle, Birmingham. B93 9ED

If you prefer to speak to someone on the telephone then please call John, our main valuer, on 07519 711864.

In order to make an offer you will need to complete and submit the form below. We will respond to you as quickly as possible.

Your contact details

Full details please.


Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:




Post Code:

Daytime Tel No:

Evening Tel No:

E-mail Address:

Making an Offer

Please think carefully about the offer you wish to make, and do not offer more than you are willing to pay (taking into account any survey, stamp duty, legal and other costs that may be associated with the purchase). Please be aware that if an offer is accepted and proceeded with, that will be the agreed sale price. If anyone subsequently tries to reduce their accepted offer it is highly likely we will be instructed to remarket the property, including going back to people who made previous offers. This could mean that any costs that have been incurred, for example survey costs, could be lost.

We will present all offers to the vendors (property sellers) for their decision on which one to proceed with. Please therefore give as much detail about your offer as possible (including size of deposit, if you need a mortgage or not etc.) by answering the questions below. Once accepted by the vendor(s), any offer will need to be quickly acted upon as any survey required will need to have been arranged within four weeks.

Your Offer

How much do you wish to offer in £

In the box below, please give the full name, address and contact numbers of the buyer if different to the contact details given above. Where more than one buyer is involved please give the names, addresses and contact numbers of all the other buyers.

Tick to confirm that the person or persons buying the property have all viewed it. (Please note that we will not be able to put offers forward on behalf of anyone who hasn't seen the property).

The amount of the deposit in £. (If the offer is being seriously considered we will need proof of the deposit to be provided when requested.)

The amount the buyers(s) need(s) on a mortgage in £.

Tick if the buyers have a ‘Mortgage Agreement In Principle’ for the amount needed. (If the offer is being seriously considered we will ask for a copy of one. If needed we have an independent mortgage advisor who can help buyers obtain one).

Please tick if any buyer needs to sell a property to proceed with the purchase.

If the above box is ticked please give for each buyer, their name, address of property to be sold, agent selling the property and telephone no. in the box below.


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We will never sell your data to third parties and will always keep your data safe and secure.

By clicking the submit button you are giving your permission for us to hold your information for the purposes outlined above.

If you have any concerns or objections or wish to change or delete any of your information at any time please contact us. Our contact details are at the top of this page.
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